A 20-minute Discovery Health Mystery Diagnosis segment about CRPS is airing worldwide. For Grace shot this piece, the last of three in the episode titled Iaasc's Nightmare, in 2005 - and we're thrilled to learn from our women in pain community that it's still periodically airing. Check your local listings to catch this segment or view it now on YouTube.
Please check out For Grace's June Story of the Month. Christy Swager of Somerset, Wisconsin, shares her challenging journey with mysterious, high-impact pain - and how she was tragically denied a cure due to her doctors labeling her a drug-seeker.
For Grace will team with the ABC News Medical Unit for an enlightening Twitter chat about arthritis Tuesday, May 17th. The chat will be lead by Dr. Richard Besser, ABC’s Chief Health and Medical Editor. Please join us at 10-11am PT @ #abcDRBchat.
Please check out For Grace's May Story of the Month. Tara White of Roseville, California shares her challenging journey with CRPS - and how despite her never-ending pain and misunderstanding from the medical community, she "still looks fine."