Sing a song from the soul. That is your key to ever wellness...
~ Anonymous

Women In Pain Nation Social Media Campaign

Telling It Like It Is With For Grace’s Women In Pain Nation!

For Grace leaders Cynthia Toussaint and John Garrett take on real-life, relatable issues near and dear to women challenged by chronic pain. Dubbed Women In Pain Nation, the two will share weekly personal essays, interviews and roundtables via social media video posts (Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn) that aims to make women in pain and their caregivers heard, appreciated and empowered.

Our Women In Pain Nation Social Media Campaign is made possible in part by generous support from Vertex Pharmaceuticals.


Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (January 15, 2025)Despite the hardships, women in pain work hard to keep it together – and count on others to do the same. But sometimes they let us down. WIPN leader Cynthia Toussaint shares that recently a “professional” didn’t keep up their part of the bargain – and how that made a tough day even tougher. She goes on to say that things like common courtesy and social etiquette should still be cherished and expected. 

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (January 9, 2025) – Chronic pain can set off the emergency alarm, but then there are things out of our control that can set off panic and head-spinning anxiety. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint is in the midst of historic fires in Los Angeles, where words like “catastrophic” and “end-of-the-world” are being legitimately flung around. She shares that women in pain need to be more prepared than most to be ready to go given their chronic pain hardship and disability. Are you ready to roll?

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (January 3, 2025) – There’s a lot of things that can make the chronic pain experience a bit better – and one of them comes with four legs! In this video, Women In Pain Nation & 40+ year CRPS warrior Cynthia Toussaint enjoys sharing the love she has for her kitties – and the many ways pet therapy can ease women’s day-to-day wrangling with chronic pain.

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (December 10, 2024)More and more research is pointing to the connection between trauma and chronic pain. But once that cause and effect is established, what can a woman in pain do to reverse the cycle to better wellness? Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint interviews VA Connecticut clinical research psychologist Dr. Mary Driscoll about the steps to take to get on the road to Post-Traumatic Growth – and how recovery is well within reach.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (December 3, 2024) – Chronic pain can cause folk to skip a thing or two at the last minute during the holiday season – and that’s understandable. But sometimes a woman in pain just flakes – and counts on another pain person to give her a pass. Not cool. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint calls out some bad behavior in the community, explaining that maybe a little self-examination is needed before saying “I know you get it.” A delicate, but important issue…

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (November 26, 2024) – There are many reasons folks don’t get the chronic pain care they deserve – and one of them is being a woman. Like, duh. A reality as old as the hills, yet this form of discrimination just keeps rollin’ along. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint interviews University of Maryland law professor Diane Hoffmann, the author of two seminal reports, 20 years apart, that explore why women often hurt more and, sadly, are still helped less in their chronic pain care.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (November 19, 2024) – Ahhh, sleep, that magical, mystical thing that knits up the unraveled threads of care. When it comes to health, wellness and good pain management, it’s a corner stone that shouldn’t be overlooked or underappreciated. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint shares how she’s had a pretty good run of sleep lately – and gives the 411 on what she does for a good night of zzzz’s.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (November 12, 2024) – Most people are truly compassionate when dealing with someone in pain – but there are those who use someone else’s suffering to fulfill their own needs. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint has been around long enough to know when a person is authentically in her corner – and gives a head’s up in this video on how to spot “misery vampires” who may be in it for the drama.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (November 5, 2024) – Today’s Election Day in the US – a day to celebrate democracy and to vote for candidates and causes that stir your soul and spirit. Women In Pain Nation co-leader John Garrett is encouraging every woman in pain and their caregiver to get out and vote – but he also suggests there’s another kind of voting you can do every day for better health and wellness, for better pain management and quality of life. So pull that lever and vote, vote, VOTE for better days ahead…

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (October 29, 2024) – A lot of things contribute to the chronic pain experience – and one emerging on the list is early trauma. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint has an in-depth interview with University of Michigan Research Assistant Professor Dr. Jennifer Pierce about research that is showing more and more how trauma creates the physiological environment for chronic pain – as well as why women are more prone to this and what steps can one do to lessen trauma’s effects.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (October 15, 2024)Anniversaries usually mark a time to celebrate something joyful. But sometimes they pin something that notes loss and grief. And for women in pain, they often come with the sting of when life went sideways. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint shares how October brings back that day in the ballet studio that changed everything 42 years ago. Yes, the years have been hard and she still grieves – but there also have been times of growth and new realizations. She encourages all to “celebrate” their pain anniversary in the way that is true to oneself – and to find gratitude in what remains…

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (October 8, 2024) – In this very special edition of “Hot Take”, Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint interviews hematologist-oncologist and “Healing and Cancer” co-author Dr. Alyssa McManamon about the virtues of whole person care in cancer and pain treatment. Cynthia and Dr. McManamon cover such topics as the importance of internal environment for improved outcomes, non-drug approaches to pain management, patients as their own best advocates and how good self-care can make all the difference. Perhaps best of all, Dr. McManamon shares that patients should be front and center when it comes to their needs and treatment decisions.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (October 1, 2024) – Chronic pain can rain down so hard sometimes, you need to wear a hat. You know, those times called the big, dark hole. Women In Pain Nation leaders Cynthia Toussaint and John Garrett share how they’re in the middle of one of them right now. But the “funny” thing is that they were thinking the hole was something different than what the other thought. That’s the chronic pain experience in a nut shell – it’s in the eye of the beholder.

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (September 25, 2024)In this very special “Hot Take” interview, Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint talks with filmmaker Matthew Michael Ross and Woman In Pain Katie O’Leary about their collaboration on the film “INVISIBLE.” Detailing a story of loss, addiction and, yes, chronic pain, Katie and Matthew share how their personal backgrounds of wrangling with years of pain inspired the film – and how its many poignant themes will resonant with those who know the experience all too well. Women In Pain Nation’ers, please share what films over the years have spoken to you in your chronic pain journey…

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (September 17, 2024)Living with high-impact chronic pain comes with challenges – and sometimes you have to pay the piper. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint shares how, due to an epic shingles attack and accompanying monster pain flare, she’s had to take a pass on important events. Then she said screw it and attended one. Well, now she’s paying – big time. Cynthia wants to hear from WIPN’ers when you decide it’s worth risking a flare – and how you try to keep a lid on it when you gotta do what you gotta do…

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (September 10, 2024)42-years caregiver of a woman in pain John Garrett shares his Tip #3 for optimal care giving in this Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day”. John talks about the importance of sleep – that thing that knits up the unraveled threads of the day and is a caregiver’s best friend. He also shares tips and tools on how to give yourself the best chance of getting a good night’s slumber.

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (September 5, 2024)How can you make a difference for women in pain in your state? In his extra special interview, Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint talks with California State Legislative Staffer Fernando Rameriz about the steps to take to effectively connect with your legislator – and how to make your case about women in pain and their special needs. September is Pain Awareness Month – and there’s no better time than the present to get your legislator to take action.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (August 27, 2024)Few things are worse in the chronic pain experience than that flare from hell you’ll never forget. Women In Pain Nation Leader Cynthia Toussaint shares about the one she’s smack-dab in the middle of – and how terrifying it can be when you don’t know how long it will last and how bad it will get. Since this taping, Cynthia found out the “burn” turned out to be a severe case of shingles, so that’s cold comfort. Still, it hurts like heck 🙂

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (August 20, 2024) – #2 in our series of “Hot Take” interviews, Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint talks with “Migraine Relief Plan Cookbook” author Stephanie Weaver about how what we eat can effect one’s chronic pain and over-all wellness – and why it’s important to pitch the diet rule book.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (August 13, 2024)There’s a lot of social network loss that comes with long-term, high-impact chronic pain, so when you lose someone near and dear, it’s a blow. WIPN leader Cynthia Toussaint shares how over the last few years she’s lost a number of important people in her life and how that impacts body, mind and spirit. Cynthia asks the question, “Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?”

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (August 6, 2024)Number 5 in a series of Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interviews, WIPN Leader Cynthia Toussaint metaphorically gets out the pens and brushes with artist Katie O’Leary to talk about how the expressive arts are an amazing pain reliever. And they make sure to say that you don’t need to be the next Picasso or Frida to dial it down – just have the desire to tap into your passion to create and release.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (July 30, 2024) – Women In Pain leaders Cynthia Toussaint and John Garrett have dropped a new “Thought of the Day” video, sharing how Long COVID has swooped in after a trip overseas and turned things upside down. Migraines, fatigue, GI problems and too many other lousy symptoms to count are now causing this duo to re-calibrate and carefully pace in order to stay on track, physically and mentally.

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (July 24, 2024)Our 4th in a series of “Hot Take” interviews, Women In Pain Nation Leader Cynthia Toussaint talks with Senior Nonprofit Grant Administrator Keshia Jones about the challenges of balancing full-time work with chronic pain. Keshia, a 14-year warrior of fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses, shares often how she encounters others in the work force who don’t understand her pain and, as a result, her need to sometimes keep her struggles under the radar.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (July 16, 2024) – Though care giving is based in love and care, it can be a tough road. Women In Pain Nation leader John Garrett knows this first-hand – and shares in this video his Tip #2 out of 5 on how to keep the dance going. Standing in front of one of the great waterfalls of Iceland, Garrett tells how important it is for caregivers to do something special for themselves and that’s there’s no guilt in putting yourself #1 now and then.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (July 9, 2024) – Sometimes playing it safe with chronic pain is a good idea. But if you get in a rut, how can you move forward? Women In Pain Nation leaders Cynthia Toussaint and John Garrett share what they’re doing to step out out of the box and try a little risk taking for mental and physical wellness.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (July 2, 2024)Just when you thought it was over, it gets you. Women In Pain Nation Leaders Cynthia Toussaint and John Garrett talk about finally getting COVID after four years of dodging it. In their “Thought of the Day”, they also share their fear of long-COVID as a woman in pain and caregiver – and how that’s just one more thing to be anxious about when in comes to trying to stay well despite chronic illness. 

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (June 25, 2024) – In the this special international episode of “Thought of the Day”, Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint shares from Iceland the need for nature to find relief from pain and wellness of mind. Despite Cynthia having COVID during this taping, one can see how the awesomeness of nature can elevate and liberate the soul.

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (June 4, 2024) – Our 3rd in a series of “Hot Take” interviews, Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint talks with University of Michigan pain researcher and “Chronic Pain Reset” author Dr. Afton Hassett about the importance of resilience when it comes to maintaining wellness and spirit during times of challenged health.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (May 28, 2024) – For Grace and Women In Pain  Nation Leader Cynthia Toussaint shares how unfair it is to have a conventional, long-running illness on top of day-to-day chronic pain. What’s a Women In Pain Nation’er to do? How do you keep you spirits up? How do you take the “ugh” out of being sick?

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (May 21, 2024) – #2 in our series of “Hot Take” interviews, Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint talks with “Migraine Relief Plan Cookbook” author Stephanie Weaver about how what we eat can effect one’s chronic pain and over-all wellness – and why it’s important to pitch the diet rule book.

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (May 14, 2024) – Women In Pain Nation Leader and 40+ year CRPS warrior Cynthia Toussaint gives the scoop about how the piano and other artistic endeavors are bringing her deep healing. She wants you to share your creative passion(s) and share a sample of your creative art…

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (May 7, 2024) – For Grace and Women In Pain Nation Leaders John and Cynthia are sick – both at the same time! In this “Thought of the Day” vid, they try to figure out how to keep things going when the caregiver goes offline. Call in sick or muscle through? Share your thoughts, Women In Pain Nation’ers…

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (April 30, 2024) – For Grace director John Garrett shares a few nuggets of coping wisdom born out of 40+ years of care giving for someone in chronic pain. With this vid,  John shares the first of five go-to’s to keep on when the going gets tough…

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (April 23, 2024)It’s that time of year when folks start thinking about hitting the road. Women In Pain Nation leader Cynthia Toussaint talks about her journeys with chronic pain and travel, and how after a few years off, new challenges and uncertainties have crept in…

Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” Interview (April 16, 2024)Kicking off our series of Women In Pain Nation “Hot Take” interviews, Cynthia interviews 30+ year woman in pain and advocacy writer Kathleen Sutherland as they explore the reasons why normies don’t get pain – and how that can be a real pain…

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (April 9, 2024)For Grace leaders John Garrett and Cynthia Toussaint dish about how hard it is for a woman in pain to give back on holidays and special events due to physical limitations. 

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (April 2, 2024)There’s a lot of things that can make the chronic pain experience a bit better – and one of them comes with four legs! In this video, Women In Pain Nation & 40+ year CRPS warrior Cynthia Toussaint enjoys sharing the love she has for her kitties – and the many ways pet therapy can ease women’s day-to-day wrangling with chronic pain. Meow!

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (March 26, 2024) – For Grace director John Garrett shares about the caregiver side of the chronic pain experience, and how acceptance can make all the difference…

Women In Pain Nation “Thought of the Day” (March 20, 2024) – Kicking off the campaign, Cynthia shares about her ever-shifting CRPS rules of engagement, along with a shout-out for advice from her fellow WIPNation badasses…