"Making the unknown known is the important thing."
—Georgia O'Keefe
What's New
Examiner.com Features For Grace

For Grace Founder Cynthia Toussaint's life and times with chronic pain is the focus of an Examiner.com article. Toussaint shares deeply about the torment and suffering inherent with her 33+ year experience with CRPS - and how she's learned to re-invent herself, finding wisdom, meaning and perseverence along the way.

For Grace Battles Health Insurance

Healthcare insurance companies causing pain is the topic explored in the National Pain Reports most recent "My Story" installment. For Grace Spokesperson Cynthia Toussaint shares her fight to maintain access to medication that has allowed her to function for nearly 30 years. Too many women in pain are waging this same battle...

OIC Super Bowl Ad Spotlighted

The Los Angeles Times ran an informative article that takes a close look at the Super Bowl OIC ad that For Grace partnered on. Find out more about the controversy surrounding the ad seen by 115 million people by linking here. Also, Forbes.com wrote a positive, in-depth article about the spot and why OIC is different from normal constipation.

My Story: The Suicide Dance

For Grace spokesperson Cynthia Toussaint shares her personal battle with suicidal thoughts on the National Pain Report. Her raw-telling of this paradoxical coping mechanism is something most women (and men) in pain can relate with. Please read "The Suicide Dance" by linking here.

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