"Making the unknown known is the important thing."
—Georgia O'Keefe
What's New
August’s Story of the Month

Woman in pain Cynthia Kiernan shares her heart-wrenching story of abuse and pain as our August Share Your Story feature. Cynthia suffered childhood trauma that triggered adult-onset chronic pain - only to be repeatedly dismissed by her doctors. Through it all, she finds the courage to share how the healthcare system too often fails women by telling them "it's all in your head."

Boston Globe Teams with For Grace

For Grace is collaborating with The Boston Globe on a series of articles that provide the pain patient's side to the ongoing opioid controversy. The article that ran on July 31st featured how three people manage this challenging disease to remain engaged in life. Please link here to read Living in a box: stories of chronic pain.

2016 Women In Pain Conference – Registration Now Open!

“Pain Takes a Vacation: Actions and Strategies that Get Us Away” - that's our 2016 theme where we'll focus on self-management techniques that take us away from pain (e.g., sleep, creative arts, sex, travel, laughter, etc.) Also during this empowering, fun-filled day (Friday, September 23rd), women in pain and their caregivers will hear from "travel guides" who'll share how they leave the challenges of chronic pain behind! Link HERE for details and to register.

July’s Story of the Month

Please read For Grace's July Story of the Month. Maddie Mae Ruud of Oakland, California recounts her trying story about never-ending headaches that began with a virus in 2010. Learn how Maddie never gave up on herself despite countless disappointing doctors, tests and procedures. Through self-empowerment and a can-do attitude, this woman in pain finally found compassionate care and a brighter tomorrow.

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