"Making the unknown known is the important thing."
—Georgia O'Keefe
What's New
CA Pain Awareness Month Trumpeted

For Grace, State Senator Carol Liu (SCR 154) and Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl teamed up again this year to proclaim September as Pain Awareness Month and September 23 as Women In Pain Awareness Day. This date co-incides with For Grace’s 2016 Women In Pain Conference. Our deepest gratitude goes out to these amazing legislators (and their staffers!) who continue to champion the cause of women in pain. Thank you for being our heroes!

For Grace in Arthritis Today Magazine

Our Spokesperson Cynthia Toussaint provides a critical pain advocacy voice in the October 2016 issue of Arthritis Today magazine. The story, titled The Pain Pill Problem, comprehensively covers the opioid epidemic in the US - and what you should know if you use this pain management therapy. Also highlighted in the article is the positive role opioids can play in function and wellness for people challenged by high-impact pain.

WIP Conference in the Media

Our quickly-approaching September 23rd Women In Pain Conference made a splash today in the National Pain Report. Great kick-off story for this event that aims to give live and webcast attendees "get-away" ideas to help manage their pain and gain better wellness. For more details, to register or request a free pass, please link here. ALOHA!

2016 WIP Conference Press Release

Read all about the great "get-away" happenings at this year's Women In Pain Conference - "Pain Takes a Vacation: Actions and Strategies That Get Us Away." Amazing presenters, phenomenal panelists and hula dancing are just a taste of this special annual event that empowers women in pain and their caregicers. Aloha!

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