"Making the unknown known is the important thing."
—Georgia O'Keefe
What's New
CA Trumpets Pain Awareness Month

For Grace is pleased to share that State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson and LA Supervisor Sheila Kuehl will Author our 2017 resolutions that will  proclaim September as Pain Awareness Month. Also, September 22 will be acknowledged as Women In Pain Awareness Day to coincide with our 10th annual event, a Change Agent Summit. We're thrilled to have the two most fearless legislators - both who have been long-time champions for women's causes - on board!

March’s Story of the Month

Woman In Pain Ava Rice is featured for March's Story of the Month. Suffering from severe abdominal pain and fatigue, Ava was made to feel like a drug addict by her dismissive doctors who left her without hope, living on a couch and struggling to care for her toddler. With no answers in sight, Ava's marriage became strained. Her greatest wish is that someday pain care gender bias will be a thing of the past.

Pain Meds and Alzheimer’s

For Grace Founder Cynthia Toussaint was invited to join Maria Shriver's amazing Women's Alzheimer's Movement. By contributing to"The Big Wall", Cynthia brings a unique perspective about how certain pain medications, including one she's taken for 30 years, can lead to Alzheimer's. This critical issue is in desperate need of awareness - and this is a big step forward!

February’s Story of the Month

For February's Story of the Month, we're spotlighting Stephanie Thomson who went from the lights of the stage as a professional singer and dancer to fighting for pain care. A Canadian resident, Stephanie's new doctor pulled the opioids that gave her relief, labeling her a drug addict. But like the showbiz trooper she is, Stephanie continues to fight for her life-preserving meds.

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