"Making the unknown known is the important thing."
—Georgia O'Keefe
What's New
For Grace Turns 15!

Happy to share For Grace turns 15 years old today! We're deeply pleased that our media outreach, legislation, public speaking, events, support groups and writing have made a positive difference in awareness and care for so many. This year we're as busy as ever traveling the globe to shine a bright light on the plight of women in pain and care gender bias. We're also authoring a new book, producing a show and planning our September Change Agent Pain Summit. Cheers to more good work and better days ahead!  Thank you everyone for your big SUPPORT.

April’s Story of the Month

In April we're featuring Woman In Pain Paula Whelan as our Story of the Month. Paula was a type "AA" personality who had a family and a taste for adventure. Then one day she woke with excruciating bladder pain. Many abusive and dismissive doctors later, Paula feared the C word until she found out she had IC (Interstitial Cystitis) - something far more challenging. This often overlooked chronic pain disease has slowed Paula down as she grapples with hope...

For Grace in DC for Pain Education

For Grace Leaders will travel to Washington DC  to participate in a three-day symposium next week. Comprised of patient advocacy thought-leaders, workshops will dig deep into the chronic pain experience to discover the leading reasons why people with pain continue to be misunderstood, under-appreciated and under-served. Looking forward to making positive change!

Women In Pain PSA Makes News

For Grace's Women In Pain public service announcement featuring TV star Jack Coleman is now on the Pain News Network homepage! The video tells us that "women hurt more and are helped less" while Coleman shares how he's been personally touched by gender disparity in pain care. Thank you, Pat Anson at PNN, for this nice spotlight.

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